Hey all! My quest for better environments continues! This here is something I would never usually draw, but is also the sort of thing an art director will ask for ;) (As mine did, as a free time task!). Definetely more work to be done, but it's definetely a start!
Hullo! More pics :) First is a sort of dino guy concept, and the various layers of clothing he has to wear to deal with the harsh landscape he wanders.
More environments at a small scale! A proper one coming in the next update, that's taken more than an hour ;D
In other news, I finally saw Toy Story 3, and absolutely loved it. Certain points made me wanna cry *sniff*. Pixar know how to pull on the heart strings :) Tschuss!
Ullo! 2 more environments drawn at this exact scale, around half hour or less on each.
I'm still playing through Alan Wake at the moment, it's pretty intense at times! The moment I see the wind pick up in the forest, I'm like ohhh noooo!! Can't stop collecting the coffee thermos, to the point that it almost ruins the game... Bye for now!
Hi all! My back is finally on the mend :) I can properly sit at a desk again (my life is complete!). Have been doing some 1 hour or less studies recently, here are 2 of them, drawn at that exact scale with no zooming in (I might just start posting them every few days now) Thanks to Dennis Chan for getting me on to this practice!
Also been in a black and white outline mood, so here's another environment, minus the humans who have caused the destruction! I'm thinking this here is about 2 months with no humans living there.
Aaaand a cleaner, who would have to come and clean up the mess (the area is highly toxic):
The game I'm working on (Crysis 2) released some of the multiplayer footage! Have a gander :)
Works at DeNA on cool games. Also a freelance illustrator/ concept artist. Originally from England, then to Germany, and finally here in wonderful Vancouver!