Hiya! Crysis 2 is out!!! I have been working on this game since the start, and am very proud to finally see it out in shops :) It's out on XBOX360, PS3 and PC, so there's no excuse not to grab it!
Here's a little side project I've been working on with an old colleague, now of Takaro Games.It's Blorange, the chameleon who can only change from blue to orange!Currently WIP, but I shall keep you updated for its final release (will be a puzzle game).
Nothing much else other than please check out Crysis 2 and let me know what you think! I can hopfully post some of my work from it here soon :) Tschussy!
Hey all! And now for something *completely* different! I needed to do some clean drawings, something kinda cute, and here it is!
Now that's out of my system, I can go back to some nasty monsters! Although in keeping with the dino theme, here's my new diplodocus tattoo:
I finished Killzone 3 yesterday, had some pretty epic scenes (like the giant mech, woah!). But gyaaaaah, the ending.............I take it there will be a 4th!Dislike having to wait years to find out what happens next, is cruel. Cheers!
Ullo! I was having a mess around during the week, just drawing random shapes on paper with a marker. I turned the paper over, and brought out shapes/creatures from what I saw there. Then just spent yesterday doing a more detailed version of one of them :)
Here's some more of the other versions. Roughs on the left, more worked in on the right (just for your attention: the roughs have been flipped, as I turn the paper over to do the line version).
Nothing else exciting really. Playing through Killzone 3, enjoying the variation in this one (is everything on that planet evil??).Saw Rango and wasn't so struck on it, though the rest of the cinema was in hysterics...perhaps I'm broken?? Cheers!
Heya! Just an evening mess around, collaging images, messing around with textures. This guy is a powerful sailor who has floated up and forgotten about his boat!He got a bit carried away praying for wind...
After breaking my back last year, I too gained a super power - I know hours before it rains, as my back really hurts! It's probably just air pressure, moistness in the air or some other dull reason, but look - I could join the X Men!
Crysis 2 is out this month at long last! Been years on that project, will be nice to see it finally come out (officially!). Cheers!
Works at DeNA on cool games. Also a freelance illustrator/ concept artist. Originally from England, then to Germany, and finally here in wonderful Vancouver!